
Getting started

Installing the client is as simple as:

pip install everinfer

If your machine can run Python3 — it can run Everinfer client.

You will need a personal API key to use Everinfer. Reach out to us to get a demo key with some free compute power attached: We are very responsive, don't hesitate to do it regardless of your use case :)

Define your API key and an ONNX model that you'd like to use:

my_api_key = 'my_key' # your API key, get it from us!
my_onnx_path ='my.onnx' # path to your .onnx model 

Hosting models

Import Everinfer Client to manage your pipelines and create inference engines. Authenticate with your API key:

from everinfer import Client 
client = Client(my_api_key)

The next step is to upload a model, assign it a name, and, optionally, define some metadata JSON-serializable dictionary:

pipeline = client.register_pipeline(
  meta={'description': 'this is my example model'}

Then, create an inference engine:

engine = client.create_engine(pipeline['uuid'])

That is it! Now you are ready to run inference on remote GPUs.

Running inference

engine accepts a list of Python dicts in the following format:

tasks = [{'input_name': input_array_or_img_path}]

Where 'input_name' has to match the input name defined for your ONNX graph, and input can be a numpy array or a path to .jpg or .png image.

Types of input have to match types expected by ONNX graph. For example, ONNX files that are exported with torch.FloatTensor() as input expect np.float32 inputs.

Call the model:

preds = engine.predict(tasks)

Now you have a general understanding of Everinfer flow and its simplicity.

Take a look at the next example, which covers everything you need to fire up your own, production-ready pipeline, including chaining ONNX graphs, optimizing pre-processing, and more.

Last updated