GPT2: 900+RPS

Run GPT-2 at 900+RPS and 6ms latency!

In this example, we run the GPT-2 from Huggingface 🤗 Transformers library on basic Everinfer setup and evaluate possible RPS and latency.

All tests are conducted on AWS g4dn.xlarge as a client machine, located in N. Virginia. The example below demonstrates easily achievable RPS and latency. Performance can be scaled up or down to fit your requirements. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your perfect setup :)


Huggingface Transformers library provides a trivial way to convert supported models to ONNX.

Install Transformers ONNX as described in the official documentation.

Run the following command to convert GPT-2 to ONNX:

!python3 -m transformers.onnx --model=gpt2 onnx/

The default Transformers tokenizer output fits perfectly for the creation of Everinfer tasks. Let's create a test input for GPT-2:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
inputs = tokenizer("Everinfer is blazing fast! Please contact us at to try it out!",

Now we are ready to register the model on Everinfer and call it.

Using Everinfer

Authenticate with your API key and upload the converted model to Everinfer:

from everinfer import Client
client = Client('my_key')
pipeline = client.register_pipeline('gpt2', ['onnx/model.onnx'])

Create an inference engine and run on inputs, while timing it to measure cold start time:

runner = client.create_engine(pipeline['uuid'])
preds = runner.predict([inputs]) 

Wall time: 2.68 s

Yup, cold start times are fast! GPT-2 is ~0.5GB and we start it up in less that 3 seconds!

Now our model is deployed to multiple machines and is warmed up!

Let's measure single-call latency:

preds = runner.predict([inputs]) # measure single-call latency

5.88 ms ± 252 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

And scaling capabilities on batch jobs:

preds = runner.predict([inputs]*1000) # horizontal scaling of batch processing

1.1 s ± 4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Congrats! You have achieved 900+ RPS and 6ms latency deployment of GPT-2! 🎉 Can be easily scaled up btw, hit us up with your requirements 😏

Message to reproduce that benchmark on any hardware or cloud provider of your choice.

Last updated